Mach3 & Mach4 laser cutter (engraver) with PoKeys

Do you want to build DIY Mach4 laser cutter with PoKeys CNC controller? Read this post to find out how to configure the Mach4 as well as plugin and all the signals.. Components for DIY Mach4 Laser Cutter Laser cutter is usually only 2 axis machine with gantry style layout. Contrast to CNC milling machines, … Read more

CNC machine keyboard mounted on our CNC machine

CNC machine keyboard – benefits and usability

We want to present you the CNC accessory that you might find very useful as well as beneficial to add to your machine – CNC machine keyboard. Why would you need CNC keyboard Having a Mach4 CNC machine is very convenient, since the software can run on any PC or laptop and you only need … Read more

Backlash compensation – how to make your machine more precise

With CNC machines, one can assume the absolute accuracy as high as the control shows. Sometimes the theoretical resolution can be in fractions of the microns. But is it also as precise in reality? How does backlash compensation work? Where does the inaccuracy of the machine come from? There is more than one cause of … Read more

Mantis compact LED repair replacement kit

Microscope LED light – Mantis Compact microscope

We had a problem with unreliable operation of the microscope LED light on our microscope for PCB inspection and assembly. LED boards were constantly dying and we decided to develop and properly replace them with our own Mantis Compact LED array kit. Why is LED lighting important for PCB testing and assembly? PCB testing and … Read more

DIY filament sensor mounted in 3D printed housing

DIY filament sensor for your 3D printer

What if you run out of filament on the 24 hour print? Can your printer detect it and act accordingly? We offer and explain the unique solution with DIY filament sensor. It is reliable and can benefit you with making your printer better. Understanding the importance of a filament sensor Filament sensor is crucial component … Read more

Stepper motor current displayed on the oscilloscope with stepper motor and motor driver

Stepper motor current in OLD vs. NEW drivers

Do you want to better understand the stepper motors, stepper motor driver and how they work? What is the difference between RMS and PEAK current? We want to present to you the advantages of the new generation of stepper motor drivers and the superior performance that they offer. Introduction to stepper motors and drivers We … Read more

Current measurement with oscilloscope, measuring current of the stepper motor.

Current measurement with oscilloscope – how to?

Yes, you can measure current with oscilloscope and current measurement with oscillsocope does not only tell you the instantaneous value of the current but gives you the time changing waveform from which the operation of the device can be observed. Time changing currents can be measured and displayed on the oscilloscope with help of the … Read more

Razvoj elektrostatičnega filtra za dimniške sisteme malih kurilnih naprav (CleanSmoke)

Operacija je bila za sofinanciranje izbrana na Javnem razpisu »Spodbude za raziskovalno razvojne projekte NOO« (JR RRI NOO). Naziv projekta: Razvoj elektrostatičnega filtra za dimniške sisteme malih kurilnih naprav (CleanSmoke) Predmet razvoja bo filter trdnih delcev, ki se lahko integrira v obstoječ dimniški sistem. Filtrirni sistem bo deloval na podlagi tehnologije ESP, ki s pomočjo … Read more

CNC tool setter

CNC tool setter with PoKeys and Mach4

Setting tool offsets and measuring tool lengths can be quite frustrating and prone to errors when using a CNC machine. CNC tool setter with reliable probing routine can significantly reduce number of scrapped parts and enable reliable production. What is CNC tool setter Most hobby and semi-professional machines do not have an ATC spindle. That … Read more

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