PCB testing equipment [Automated device for testing PCB – LINITESTER]

A blog article about a PCB testing equipment (Automated device for testing PCB – LINITESTER). From the idea to the useful custom made automated testing device. PoLabs team develop testing device for testing PCB in serial production. Device was build using a PoKeys57U device from CNC controllers device and stepper motor driver-complete explanation. Automated device … Read more

Flat cale cutting machine

DIY flat cable cutter with PoKeys57U?

A blog article about a flat cable cutter project from the scratch. From the idea to the useful production machine. Machine was build using a PoKeys57U device from CNC Controllers series and stepper motor driver-complete explanation. Two great products from PoLabs. What to watch out for when choosing a flat cable cutter? On market is … Read more

Arduino driving relay PoRelay8 board

Arduino relay wiring – how to connect Smart relay board PoRelay8

Here is a practical example of Arduino driving smart relay. PoRelay8 board with 8 relay outputs can be connected to any Arduino device if it can communicate via the I2C protocol. If 8 relay outputs do not satisfy your demands, additional up to 9 PoRelay8 boards can be daisy-chained over CAN bus, even with long … Read more

How does stepper motor driver work? – The complete explanation

In this article we will try to explain all the important things about the stepper motor driver you need to know. What is a stepper motor driver? A stepper motor driver is an electronic device that is used to drive the stepper motor. By itself, it usually does nothing and must be used together with a … Read more


Digital optical isolator | PoOptoIn 16 channel isolation device

Here you’ll get some basic information about optical isolators, how they work, where are used, how they look like and moreover where you can buy a 16 channel optical isolation device – PoOptoIn from PoLabs. What is a digital optical isolator? A Digital optical isolator (also called an optocoupler, photocoupler) is an electronic component that … Read more

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