Plasma cutting PoKeys THC controller

What is CNC plasma cutting?

What are CNC plasma cutters used for? CNC plasma cutting is the manufacturing process of cutting the material with plasma. The CNC plasma cutting process is a very well-known manufacturing process, which was used during 1980. Plasma cutting grew out of plasma welding in the 1960s and emerged as a very productive way to cut … Read more

Floating head for CNC plasma cutter with THC

CNC Plasma floating head – Z axis

In this blog post we are presenting you the plasma floating head for more precise cutting and how it can benefit your CNC plasma cutter with torch heigh control. What is CNC Plasma floating head With plasma cutters, big sheets of metals are usually cut. These sheets usually don’t sit very flat on the plasma … Read more

PoKeys equipment for CNC plasma cutters

CNC plasma cutter setup – introduction

This is general introduction to plasma cutter setup and equipment with explanation of most commonly used nomenclature in that field. We will present the electronics that we offer for THC – torch height control for plasma cutters. What equipment is needed for CNC plasma cutter setup? For plasma cutting setup, we need plasma source in … Read more

Backlash compensation – how to make your machine more precise

With CNC machines, one can assume the absolute accuracy as high as the control shows. Sometimes the theoretical resolution can be in fractions of the microns. But is it also as precise in reality? How does backlash compensation work? Where does the inaccuracy of the machine come from? There is more than one cause of … Read more

Stepper motor current displayed on the oscilloscope with stepper motor and motor driver

Stepper motor current in OLD vs. NEW drivers

Do you want to better understand the stepper motors, stepper motor driver and how they work? What is the difference between RMS and PEAK current? We want to present to you the advantages of the new generation of stepper motor drivers and the superior performance that they offer. Introduction to stepper motors and drivers We … Read more

CNC tool setter

Mach4 tool setter with PoKeys

Setting tool offsets and measuring tool lengths can be quite frustrating and prone to errors when using a CNC machine. Mach4 tool setter with reliable probing routine can significantly reduce number of scrapped parts and enable reliable production. What is Mach4 CNC tool setter Most hobby and semi-professional machines do not have an ATC spindle. … Read more

Plasma voltage divider with PoKeys57CNC

CNC plasma electronics [How to connect CNC plasma voltage divider]

We present our latest project CNC plasma cutter. The main focus is CNC plasma electronics: CNC plasma cutter voltage divider, PoKeys57CNC, sensors, adapters. Also wiring diagram of whole CNC plasma cutter and configuration in Mach4. We make a useful custom made machine for our needs, which help us to even improve our service. The main … Read more

Mach4 probing with PoKeys

If you ever used a CNC machine you probably know how time consuming setting up the next job is. Mach4 probing significantly reduces set up time while being a very simple solution.  At the end of probing setup you will have only a few buttons to push to set up the next job.  What is … Read more

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