The latest release of PoScope4 introduces performance improvements
Here is a list of improvements:
- Fixed PoScopeMega1 decoding algorithm which was causing memory leaks when sampling frequency was below 500Hz.
- Fixed PoScope4 buffer mode display in analyze mode.
- Fixed FFT axes updating when changing the color of signals.
- Fixed drawing of decoder elements on Logic analyzer on mouse hovers action.
- Fixed PoScopeMega50 control gui when device get’s disconnected.
- Recoder can record into PCM format at a maximum sampling frequency of 1MHz.
- Fixed driver pack and installation setup.
Please check some of our electronics:
- Stepper motor driver
- Stepper motor driver-complete explanation
- USB CNC Controller-PoKeys57CNC
- Homing sensor-PoHome1IRNPN
- Bipolar stepper motor driver- PoStep25-256
- Plasma cutter troubleshooting guide
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