PC oscilloscope software

PC oscilloscope software represents a mandatory part in USB oscilloscope measurement package. Without it we cannot process and analyze data acquired by USB oscilloscope. In previous post we explained how we can use USB oscilloscope to acquire date, let’s do similar now for PC oscilloscope software.


USB oscilloscope connected (via USB) to PC and communicating with PC oscilloscope software
Fig. 1: USB oscilloscope connected (via USB) to PC and communicating with PC oscilloscope software


Figure 1 shows complete measurement package which includes USB oscilloscope for data acquisition connected to PC with installed PC oscilloscope software which displays and draws data. The software package includes device drivers for communciation with USB oscilloscope and all or even more features similar to those on classic analog oscilloscope.

PoScope4 as PC oscilloscope software

PoScope4 is a multithreaded Windows based PC oscilloscope software which enables usage of single or multiple USB oscilloscopes such as PoScopeMega1 at same time. PoScope4 offers many different data displays such as Oscilloscope, FFT, X/Y, Recorder and Logic analyzer. Displays offers features to analyze and export captured data. Logic analyzer includes logic decoder that decodes captured digital signals to various protocols such as I2C, 1-Wire and makes debugging of communication protocols easier.

PoScope4 as PC oscilloscope software with all features of classic oscilloscope
Fig. 2: PoScope4 as PC oscilloscope software with all features of classic oscilloscope

Changing settings and accessing features of Mega1 USB oscilloscope is easy via GUI included in PoScope4. Graphical user interface of such control panel is presented on figure 3.

Graphical user interface (GUI) for accessing and changing settings of Mega1 USB oscilloscope
Fig. 3: Graphical user interface (GUI) for accessing and changing settings of Mega1 USB oscilloscope

Advantages of using PoScope4 as PC oscilloscope

1. It runs on any PC equipped with Windows operating system (Laptop, Tablet etc..)
2. Includes all basic features and we are regulary adding new ones.
3. Free upgrades and bug fixes
4. Features by needs of users. Users can tell us what they need and we will implement it.

If you’re interested in PC oscilloscopes you can visit our web store and find more informations there.

Please check some of our products for projects in automation or CNC machines:

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