We develop & manufacture for you.
Do you have a vision of a product and don’t know how to manufacture it? We are your answer! Let your wish become our task. Fast development, reliable solution, leading edge technology, high performance, low power consumption for best product price, we take care for the supply chain and manufacturing.
PoLabs team.
The team
PoLabs is a development and manufacturing company situated in the countryside of Slovenia, Europe. We are a team of 6 motivated and highly-skilled engineers, constantly improving our knowledge and adopting cutting-edge technology. Daily contacts with leading component manufacturers are the reason that the products we design are made with leading-edge technology and solutions. The products we are developing offer high performance among low power consumption and the best manufacturing price you can get.
Our mission is to make our clients satisfied users of our products and solutions. We always listen to your feedback, considering ideas, and use them for improvements, when physics allow. Support response times are short and always looking forward to solving your problems.
Products & solutions
One of our best-selling devices are the PoKeys family of devices, which are market-leading CNC controllers for Newfangled Mach3 and Mach4 CNC control software, flight simulators, and many more. They are easy-to-use USB and/or Ethernet devices that combine multiple inputs and outputs and require no programming skills. PoKeys57U USB products provide support for a virtual USB keyboard and USB joystick that can be used to emulate a standard USB keyboard and joystick. Digital input pins can be mapped to virtual keyboard and joystick buttons, while analog inputs can be mapped to virtual joystick axes. Configuration is easily done via our intuitive PoKeys graphical configuration application, where each function can also be tested. A total of 55 iO pins are available. A device with the most features from the family is PoKeys57CNC – a blend between general purpose PoKeys device and motor controller with up to 8 step/direction signals with dedicated connectors for connections with motor drivers, pendants, LCD modules, etc. In addition, 5 analog inputs with 12-bit resolution, 4 galvanically-isolated open-collector outputs, and an isolated 0 to 10 V analog output for driving a VFD-controlled spindle motor are available. The user can use the USB or Ethernet connection with the PC. To discover all our products, please visit PoLabs Shop.

All our products are tested before shipped. To automate this procedure we also develop and manufacture hardware and software for the testing processes – Linitesters. A Linitester could also be customized by your needs for your own products.
Environmentally friendly company
We carefully consider the effects of our products and operations on the environment, as well as on the health and well-being of people. We strive to have low environment footprint. We are 100% self sufficient. All the electricity is produced in our solar power plant. Moreover a water is also heated with the solar thermal collectors or with use of the biomass from the surrounding forests.
The view from our office
(click on the photo for bigger picture)

Your product 57CNC would be very attractive to me if it would be ported for LinuxCNC
Kind regards/Stefan Sweden
Hello Stefan,
Please open a support ticket (https://support.poscope.com/) and our team will help you to get right information.
Kind regards / PoLabs team
imate mogoce tudi druge breakout board plosce? (ploscati trak za dvoredni konektor – vijacne sponke)
14-14, 16-16, 20-20, 26-26
Hvala in lp.
Prosim odprite ticket na naši support strani: https://support.poscope.com/
In Vam bodo sodelavci pomagali, le tako bomo najhitreje rešili.
Hvala in LP
Will be in the future any blog post about using Pk57 with flight simulator?
Br, Marco
Hi Marco, they are aalready published: